Infia Lids
The Lids line of Infia includes a large range of sizes; fitting with punnets and trays. The material is PET and R-PET.
For each of the models the web site of Infia includes a technical sheet; information about the full range of punnets is available here.
The innovation that transforms the end-of-life into a new life is 100% R-PET. PET, mainly coming from bottles and trays, recycled to produce again packaging suitable to come into contact with food, in line with the values of ciruclar economy, thus avoiding the use of virigin polimers.
The recycling of PET is combined with the recycling of R-PET trays which can be endlessly recycled.
Foil Tray
Absorbent Pad
Handle Recycling
Bubble Pad
Track and Trace
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