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Checkweigher & Metal Detector Equipment

Checkweigher & Metal Detector Equipment

GSH Group have a wide selection of Metal Detectors and Checkweighers suited to your business needs.

DS300S Checkweigher

The DS300S CW Checkweigher offers incredible checkweighing performance. Constructed from Stainless Steel and hygienically designed the DS300S CW is perfect for any food production area. The machine design along with purpose built electronics and carefully selected components offers increased reliability, flexibility and is compliant with the supermarkets· latest Codes of Practice.

Click on the image to see a video of one of our systems in action. This shows a checkweigher grader, designed for grading chicken portions into weight bands for manual repackaging.

DS300S Metal Detector Conveyor​

The DS300S MD is optimised for the best performance from a metal detector. Custom built to suit the detector head and customer’s requirement.

The DS300S MD is offered with a variety of reject systems, belt sizes, belt configurations and sensors to maximise the machine’s accuracy and efficiency.

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